Monday, February 11

Creative Writing, Senior Center, 10 a.m..–12 p,m. Tish Knapp introduces the basic elements of creative writing including memoir writing and creating non-fiction works. Students in the class use the workshop system to share and critique work. Class is ongoing each Monday. Participation every week is not required but will be most beneficial to everyone if you attend as often as possible. Bring whatever writing implements they will use (laptops, I-pad, paper and pen/pencil). Class is free.

Movie Monday, Senior Center, 1–3 p.m. Enjoy part two of Gone With the Wind. Movie is free. Refreshments available for $1 each.

Tuesday, February 12

Primary Ballots Due!

San Juan County Council Special Meeting, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall. Agenda items include public hearings: (1) to Adopt an Ordinance Revising County Parks Fee Schedules; and (2) to Adopt an Ordinance Regarding the Effective Date (May 1, 2013) of Critical Area Ordinances.

Senior Lunch, Senior Center, 12 p.m. Lunch Tuesday will be Beef stroganoff, rotelle pasta, winter vegetable mix, garden salad, peaches and pears. Suggested donation for seniors over age 60 is $5, for those under age 60 suggested donation is $6. After lunch, the senior singing group, the Songbirds, practice by the piano. If you would like to join the Songbirds, please join—practice time at 1:00pm.

ArtSmith Reading Series, 6 p.m. at Darvill’s. The reading is free and open to the public, and will be followed by a spoken word open mic. Holly J. Hughes is a writing teacher, poet and essayist with a long-time interest in writing, nature and contemplative practice. Her Orcas Island reading will be a “Meet the Artist” event. She encourages anyone interested in applying for an Artist Trust grant to attend, and she will share her experience as well as any tips for applying.

Pacific White-Sided Dolphins Lecture, by Erin Ashe, 7 p.m., Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall. Erin Ashe, a Ph.D student at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, has had a SeaDoc-funded project to study Pacific White-Sided Dolphins, also known as “Lags, in the Salish Sea and the Broughton Archipelago for the past several years. Like killer whales, Pacific White-Sided Dolphins can be individually identified and she has developed a photo-identification database to track individuals and study their movements, life history, and population status.

Wednesday, February 13

Afternoon Tea, Senior Center, 2–3:30 p.m Enjoy a traditional high tea service in the Lundeen Room. Tea, finger sandwiches, scones and assorted desserts are served free of charge to all seniors.

Thursday, February 14 

Outing to the Anacortes Senior Center for lunch and entertainment. 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Please call the Senior Center at 376-2677 to sign up and for more information.

Mind-Body Health Program, 5 p.m., Orcas Community Church. Dr. Jim Litch, formerly with the Orcas Medical Center, will present a program to the Cancer Support Group on the Mind-Body Connection – Implications for Health and Healing.

Open-Mic Aphrodisia at Doe Bay Resort — a special Valentine’s Day Open Mic & Pizza Night. This will be a contest for best love song performance hosted by Megan Stocklin. Doe Bay will donate $100 to an island charity of the winner’s choice. The winner will be decided by audience vote. Please round up your best singer to participate in the festive fun! It doesn’t have to be someone that works for the organization just someone you know who will sing for your group. See you there! Please call 376-8059 for more info.

Friday, February 15

Knit and Stitch Group, Senior Center, 10 a.m–12 p.m.  Bring your own project and work with friends. Knit, crochet, needlepoint . . . whatever you might be working on. Enjoy the company of others while getting your project completed. 12:00pm Lunch is served. Enjoy a lunch of shrimp salad, oatmeal bread and fresh fruit. Suggested donation for seniors over age 60 is $5, for those under age 60 suggested donation is $6.

Carolyn Cruso & Friends, 6 p.m., Agave Restaurant. Call 376-1422 for details.

“Hotbed Hotel,” 7:30 p.m. at The Grange. Tickets are $10 and are available at Darvill’s, on-line at or at the door. “Hotbed Hotel” is the first production at the Grange where the audience will sit in the new theater seats with lots of leg room.

Karaoke at The Lower Tavern, 9 p.m. Come to sing! Come to listen! Come to have fun!

Saturday, February 16

The Orcas Island Artworks reopens for the 2013 season featuring photographs by David Grdina. The show runs through March 27. The subject of David’s show is a feral peacock that made regular appearances at his home for a period of time. The Artworks will be open daily from 10 to 5.

American Legion Membership Drive, 3–10 p.m., American Legion Post #93. There are three units: (1) the post (veterans that have served during a war or military conflict); (2) the auxiliary (mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, and daughters of veterans); and (3) the SAL (Sons of American Legion—sons, grandsons, great-grandsons of veterans). We would like to invite all of our Orcas residents to visit our facility, talk to representatives from each unit, and learn about our programs and projects that benefit everyone.

Sing-a-Long-a “Sound of Music” Orcas Center, at 2:00 p.m. Orcas Islanders will have a chance to participate in this interactive fun-filled show now a worldwide hit, playing to packed houses across the globe. Tickets are $18 for adults, $13 for students, $2 off for Orcas Center members and may be purchased at or by calling 376-2281 ext. 1 or visiting the Orcas Center Box Office open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from noon – 4 p.m.

JP and the OK Rhythm Boys, 7 p.m., Olga Energetic Club. Come enjoy popular fiddle trio JP and the OK Rhythm Boys in a rare concert setting at the Olga Energetic Club. This is the best way to truly hear and enjoy JP’s fine, fiery, and sweet fiddling, Gordon’s bravuro bass thumping, Anita’s scintillating saw, their tight three-part vocal harmonies, and so much more.

“Hotbed Hotel,” 7:30 p.m. at The Grange. Tickets are $10 and are available at Darvill’s, on-line at or at the door. “Hotbed Hotel” is the first production at the Grange where the audience will sit in the new theater seats with lots of leg room.