Sunday, November 3, 5 – 8 p.m., Orcas Center

— from Janet Brownell for Orcas Island Education Foundation —

The Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF) invites you to its annual “Food for Thought” fundraiser. This dinner/auction/fun takes place on Sunday, November 3 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Madrona Room/Orcas Center.

The funds raised from this event will go toward programming and staff development at our public schools. Some of what OIEF has funded just in the last three years includes:

  • Theater
  • HS Computer teacher
  • Farm to Classroom
  • Math curriculum
  • STEM guitar building
  • A chicken coop
  • Curriculum for the new Montessori Public, “Wednesdays in the Woods”
  • Art for Orcas Kids (AOK)
  • A summer and after-school reading program, scholarships for graduating seniors, and fields trips

The dinner will be provided by Madden Surbaugh, with a “Dessert Dash” supplied by some of our most talented island bakers. There will be a silent and live auction. Some items in the live auction include: a fabulous 3-hour sailing trip on Panda 40’ Pilothouse, a stunning handmade maple leaf quilt, and if you love sunset photos by Lance Evans – you will get a chance to bid on a private dinner for 8 (catered by Ed Andrews) at Lance’s sunset spot (sunset guaranteed).

There will be plenty more for you to bid on. But don’t just come for the fantastic auction and delicious dinner – come because you want to support our public schools. This is a best way you can help bring more programs to our terrific OISD. Tickets are $100 pp and can be purchased at the Chamber of Commerce, or online at We hope to see you on November 3.

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