By Leonard Wood

Vote to reject Proposition No. 1 as put forward by the Charter Review Commission. Here’s why.

The proposition includes three distinct elements:

The County Council is reduced from six (6) members to three (3) members.

Council Districts are reduced from six (6) districts having nearly equal population to three (3) districts having very unequal population.

Voting changes from nominating and electing council candidates within each Council District by only the voters in that district to nominating and electing council candidates within each Council District by the voters of the entire county.

Consider each element.

Why would three be better than six? The reasons advanced in the findings of the Charter Review Commission rely exclusively on opinion and on the fact that most counties in Washington have three Commissioners. We were doing it that way before we adopted the Charter. When we voted for the Charter specifying six Council Members we intended to improve representation. I think six has given us that improvement. My Council Member is elected by me and other voters in my Council District. Likewise, your vote, in your District, gives you better choice and a stronger voice. Why would we go back?

Why would three unequal Council Districts be better than six equal Districts? The 2010 census put the county population at 15,769. The council structure being proposed divides that total into three districts (San Juan, Orcas, and Lopez/Shaw) with populations of 7,662; 5,354; and 2,753 respectively. One Council Member would have to come from each district. Why would we do that? Geography should not override equal representation.

Finally, I think electing our representatives to the Council is better done closer to home. The result is much more likely to elect a Council reflecting a broader spectrum of viewpoint and philosophy. It prevents the same countywide electoral majority from entirely dominating the process for each council race. It’s much more democratic and provides better representation.

Please join me in voting to REJECT Proposition No.1, Charter Review.

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Leonard Wood served on the Charter Review Commission as an elected representative of Orcas Island