— by Theresa Haynie —

Election day is looming, now only days away. On Orcas Island, we have the usual well-qualified candidates running for various unpaid commissioner seats. Fittingly, the most heated contest is that of Fire and Rescue District 2, with Wes Heinmiller and Julie Remington fighting hard over the right to serve the community for the next 6 years. Then we have the Orcas Island Parks and Recreation District commissioners, mostly running unopposed, except for seat #5, where two of us are vying for one seat.

In that race, candidates Theresa Haynie (me), and Deborah Jones stir little controversy. We both bring good educations and board experience. We share a passion for making sure that OIPRD succeeds in its mission to finance and run recreational programs that serve our Orcas Island community. Deborah supports feeder programs for school sports, and I support programs that appeal to all ages and diverse skill levels.

The League of Women Voters forum was absent any candidate brawls. Marked by polite discussions of our visions for the Commissioner’s role, we didn’t bring up how this position we are competing for takes time away from family and work, common to all the other volunteer boards and commissions in the islands.

And we didn’t talk about this: that the most important thing to do approaching November 3rd is to simply vote. If you get any exercise at all between today and Election Day, may it entail filling out and mailing in your ballot. Consider it good practice for 2016, when votes for the next US President help shape the world.

As for the outcome of the Orcas races: may the best candidates win. And for all those running unopposed, thanks in advance for your service to the community.