By Bill Appel

Context is everything in decision making.  This is absent from Ms. Peterson’s letter of earlier today:

1.  My first discussion concerning number of council members was to suggest five to escape the logjam embedded in the present Charter.  That didn’t fly in discussion (I recognized serious impracticalities), so I immediately went for three, that being the only alternative that entailed (a) no built-in log jams, (2) no redistricting complications, and (3) constitutional certainty.  In this last connection, Randy’s opinions were reviewed at length.

2.  Randy was asked many questions and asked to respond immediately during our meetings.  Some answers were changed upon further reflection.  The practice of law is not a slot machine.  The CRC is greatly indebted to Randy for his services on a seven-day-a-week basis.

3.  As to bias, each came with his or her own views.  This is the case in all legislative acts.  Some considered the realities of the needs of the County and adjusted their views.  One or two felt that retention of their initial views reflected their integrity irrespective of what they heard at meetings.

4.  Some of our votes were close, some lopsided.  I suffered a number of lopsided losses, but I do not believe anyone got everything they hoped for.  This is the nature of a group decision, and by its nature, some will suffer personal disappointment.  Such disappointment is irrelevant, even if it continues to be selectively expressed.

5.  Other matters are matters of personal opinion.  This is now for the voters to decide.

Bill Appel lives on Waldron Island