by Michael Rivkin and Jeffri Coleman

What a nice welcome Eastsound extended to David and Lee of Brown Bear Baking during their challenging opening period! Construction, an auto accident, the pressures of peak summer in a seasonal resort community… all at the same time. Kudos for persevering!

And while most folks welcomed the addition of the new bakery with genuine warmth, some it seems did not share Orcas’ typical and long-standing non-judgmental attitudes and ability to accept folks based on their merits as contributing members of our community—and not on outdated, bigoted labels.

Brown Bear Baking proudly flies the American flag—the International symbol of freedom– at the top of their flagpole. Below, it flew the gay pride flag. We say ‘flew,’ as the owners were recently contacted by another Eastsound businessperson, who passed along ‘numerous requests’ from folks who wanted the flag taken down…but who did not want their names revealed. If these folks felt so uncomfortable in asking for its removal as to not ask the bakery boys personally, or to reveal their identity, then surely they knew they were doing something of questionable motivation and little value. The ‘cross burners’ of the old south also hid (quite literally) behind these same shrouds of secrecy.

Washington is known for setting the stage and demonstrating to the rest of the country — and to the world — our progressive thinking and judgment based on character. Our priorities build bonds and communities, rather than walls and boundaries. The San Juans carry this thinking further yet—as we have for generations. We can respect one’s sincere convictions, no matter how they may differ from our own. But if you are too insincere or too cowardly to acknowledge your position, then you lose all credibility entirely.

This flag frightens you? Offends you? Really?