By Ginni Stern

I am not a cyclist. I am more then happy to share the road with cyclists… but very often this summer, while driving in my car, I have come upon cyclists, riding 2 or even 3 abreast on a road that is rural curvy and one lane each way with a double yellow line down the middle of most of it.

Many times, I have actually had to come to a stop because the cyclists riding 2 or 3 abreast do not ride friendly or safe and do not go single lane when they hear a car coming. I have patiently refrained from honking my horn, but have to admit, as the summer goes along, I am more and more irritated by cyclists. There I said it!

I understand cars are more powerful then bicycles and understand some drivers are aggressive to cyclists, but it is time for a truce.

Let’s all make an effort to respect each other. Cyclists hug the edge of the road. Drivers, slow down and give the cyclists safe space. We’ll all be better for it. Enjoy the rest of the summertime – EVERYONE.

Ginni Stern spends her time in Vermont and Orcas Island and finds similar cycling-driving challenges in both places.