— from Natalie Menacho for Plan Ahead San Juans —

Planning Commission continues Vision Statement Deliberations
The Planning Commission is working hard to crowdsource resident ideas about the future of San Juan County. Even if you have commented previously, please read the current draft of the Vision Statement and make additional comments.

They really want to hear from you! You might not be able to do much about life outside the islands, but you can have a real impact here at home if you speak or write.

The Planning Commission spent 5 hours discussing the Vision Statement on March 16. You can watch the entire proceeding here

Read the heartfelt testimony of a local.

The PC is working hard to do the right thing! Let them know you appreciate their dedication. A simple single sentence email will do!

Ruckelshaus Workshop

This workshop is a real opportunity to be a change agent in shaping the future of San Juan County and Washington State.

The Washington State Legislature has authorized a two-year project to create a “Road Map to Washington’s Future.” The purpose of the “Road Map to Washington’s Future” project is to articulate a vision of Washington’s desired future and identify additions, revisions, or clarifications to the state’s growth management framework of laws, institutions, and policies needed to reach that future.

The workshop for San Juan County will be held at County Council Hearing Room, 55 Second St, Friday Harbor, WA May 1, 2018 from 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm.

Sign up here! (sign up deadline April 17)

Our goal is to keep you informed of information, actions and decisions that will powerfully impact your future.

Here are some reference materials:

Not choosing is a choice read why here

Plan Ahead San Juans contact: Joe Symons, planaheadsanjuans@gmail.com