Citizens of Orcas,

If you are wondering what is going to happen to your waste now that the parcel fee has been turned down, you should be aware that the County Council will be discussing the future of waste on Orcas at their next meeting here on Orcas on Tuesday, February 7 at the Outlook Inn. You can comment on the issue at the Citizen’s Access time at 10 a.m. and perhaps during the Council’s discussion at 1pm. (See the  agenda at at the County website at .)

How we as an island community respond to the the opportunities now before us, especially regarding the availability of self hauling and the  success of the Exchange, depends on the level of understanding and support each of us have for an enlightened, Orcas controlled waste program.This may be our last, best opportunity to influence our island waste policy. I hope you can join us in forging a more sustainable island future.

For those of you who have asked “what can I do to support the Exchange?”  I encourage you to take advantage of this rare opportunity to physically demonstrate that support  by showing up at 12  noon at the Outlook Inn and the Waterfront Park (if necessary).

See you Tuesday at noon,
George Post