— from Shaun Hubbrad for San Juan Islanders for Safe Shipping —

Hooray, Safe Shippers!

Once again your voices were heard! Many thanks to those of you who sent your letters in!

On behalf of the State of Washington, regarding marine transportation issues, the Department of Ecology (DoE) is applying to Canada’s National Energy Board for Intervenor status in the review process of Kinder Morgan’s proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline.

If KM has their way, seven times more tankers would be making annual transits through our home in the Salish Sea. We have a right to be included in the decision-making process, but to do so we have to ask. Now, DoE is asking.

Please send in a big THANK YOU to Washington State Department of Ecology Director Maia Bellon for applying to be an intervenor on our behalf.  E-mail: maib461@ecy.wa.gov

DoE shouldn’t be the only Washington State – and San Juan Islands – voice at the table. There are 2 days left until the deadline of February 12 to ask to participate.


1. Please call and/or e-mail the managers of our National Waters and ask each to apply as an intervenor in the National Energy Board review of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain expansion proposal.

NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region Administrator, Will Stelle E-mail: Will.Stelle@noaa.gov

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 Administrator, Dennis McLerran    E-mail: mclerran.dennis@epa.gov

U.S. Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound Commander, Captain Scott Ferguson E-mail: Scott.J.Ferguson@uscg.mil

2. Please call and/or e-mail the San Juan County Council and ask them to apply to the Canadian National Energy Board and formally comment on the Kinder Morgan Expansion proposal.

Bob Jarman: (360) 370-7473; e-mail: bobja@sanjuanco.com

Rick Hughes: (360) 370-7474; e-mail: rickh@sanjuanco.com

Jamie Stephens: (360) 370-7475; e-mail: jamies@sanjuanco.com

Thank you for all you do to keep the San Juan Islands a safe shipping place!

Thanks to Donna Riordan