— by Sharon Abreu —

On this International Peace Day, I’m thinking about all those who have lost their lives in violence in the U.S. and around the world, and those who will lose their lives today as a result of violent conflict. And I’m pondering what it is to be truly peaceful inside.

In honor of this day, I’m pleased to share three of my peace anthems for anyone who would like to listen, sing along, share them with others:

The Peace Room: https://irthlingz.com/irth/song.cfm?UID=101

Be Peace: https://irthlingz.com/irth/song.cfm?UID=93

Dept. of Peace Bop: https://irthlingz.com/irth/song.cfm?UID=95

And today I advocate once again for a Cabinet-level U.S. Dept. of Peacebuilding: https://peacealliance.org/issues-advocacy/department-of-peace. It would save many lives and many billions of dollars. The legislation exists – it can use more co-sponsors and serious consideration by the U.S. Congress.

I’m so pleased to be practicing peace today, as I aspire to do but don’t always achieve every day, and to have the opportunity to share with others what I’ve learned about how to become more peaceful inside and have better relationships with other people.

Today I’m taking time to envision a world where we’ve incorporated and are practicing ways to resolve conflicts and get our needs met without violence – a world in which we’ve become aware of all the aspects of our society that lead to violence, and what it means to practice peace with our whole hearts.

For more info on International Peace Day, I recommend:




Wishing you peace in your life today and always.