Wednesday, October 15, 10 a.m., Orcas Center

— from Jan Jacobsen —

images[1]The Orcas Island Garden Club presents “Greenhouses, Simple to Complex: All You Need to Know,” with Charley Yaw, at its October 15 meeting at Orcas Center in the Madrona Room at 10 a.m.

For more than 38 years, Charley has helped gardeners all over America select, build, equip, and enjoy their greenhouses. Charley’s interest in greenhouses began in 1973 in a vacant chicken barn. Charley’s Greenhouses is the number one supplier of innovative greenhouses and equipment in the US. The greenhouse kits come with instructions for the DIY person. You can find video instructions on the internet, but we are very lucky to have Charley’s Greenhouses right near us in Mt. Vernon.

This should be a very informative talk about something most of us gardeners would like to have for our gardens. Free to Garden Club Members — Garden Club Membership $20 per year; Guests $5. For more information, see