— from Tara Lee, Governor Inslee’s Office —

Following is a joint statement from West Coast Governors and Mayors in anticipation of a possible Executive Order from President Trump, including a directive to withdraw and rewrite the Clean Power Plan, as well as weaken other standards that protect our air quality and reduce carbon emissions.  

“As the governors of Washington, Oregon and California and the mayors of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles, we speak today in support of the Clean Power Plan. We speak in unified opposition to the idea of any decision by the President to limit our region’s economic opportunities or our commitment to doing what’s right to make our cities and states cleaner and healthier for future generations.

“We speak as a region of over 50 million people with a combined GDP of $2.8 trillion. There is no question that to act on climate is to act in our best economic interests. Through expanded climate policies, we have grown jobs and expanded our economies while cleaning our air.

“Any attacks on the Clean Power Plan would move our nation in the wrong direction and put American prosperity at risk. We will assert our own 21st century leadership and chart a different course. Climate change is one of our greatest threats, from more wildfires threatening our homes and communities to ocean acidification rocking our shellfish industry to drought hurting our farmers. Too much is at stake – from our health and safety to our jobs and livelihoods – for us to move backwards.

“We will honor our commitments to our communities to do what’s right to keep our residents safe, secure, healthy and prosperous as we accelerate our clean energy economy and put the interest of our people before those of big polluters. We will continue to invest in clean energy that creates local jobs and keeps utility bills low, and we will electrify transportation to provide convenient, safe, and affordable ways to get around our cities, and make our neighborhoods healthy and vibrant.

“Our cities and states will continue to assert our leadership and position our region for economic success. We urge states, cities and businesses from across the country to join us in leading and re-affirming our commitment to cut carbon emissions and reverse the damaging impacts to our communities of unfettered pollution.”

Jointly signed on March 22, 2017 by:

  • California Governor Jerry Brown
  • Oregon Governor Kate Brown
  • Washington Governor Jay Inslee
  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
  • San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee
  • Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf
  • Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler
  • Seattle Mayor Ed Murray