Golf Classic this Saturday sustains Orcas Center’s excellent programming

By Justin Taylor

It’s been an exciting summer with lots of stuff going on here at the golf course.

In an 18 day period we had 3 hole-in-ones: Aug 10 Hole #5 by Steve Day; then Aug 25 Laurel Wrye had one on #7; and on Aug. 28 Dan Kimple, during the Tuesday Night Scramble, hit one in on #15 from over the swamp area from 276 yards — the first hole in one on a par 4 we have ever had on Orcas.

We also just had the finish of the almost-two-month long Match Play “Presidents Cup.” It was won by Terry Moran-Hodge; 2nd place went to Dale Coburn; and 3rd to Ole Fogh-Andersen.

Here are the events coming up:

9/8/12 – Saturday will be the Orcas Center Classic. If you haven’t signed up yet please come show your support. It is sure to be a great day.

9/14/12 – Saturday will be the NIGHT GOLF We will start at dark.

9/15/12 – Sunday Potluck Social

9/21/12 – Friday Fall Contractors Scramble

We have had a great season and although we have had pumps break down and mowers die, it’s been a good year, and we have recently had the opportunity to buy five new carts. They look just like the Lower Tavern Cart but are a few years newer. We are very excited to upgrade and increase our fleet for the end of this year and next year.