The Orcas Island Community Foundation wrapped up its annual Spring GiveOrcas campaign Monday night, fully funding all 27 grant proposals. OICF entered this grant cycle with big dreams and a bit of uncertainty about how it would play out. Over $100k more was requested this year than ever before. Thanks to the amazing community support, all 27 grantees crossed their funding finish lines.

The GiveOrcas season was so fortunate to have such an engaged team from start to finish. The community grants committee vetted a total of 29 proposals for the catalog early this spring. The team of 11 had big brains in their heads and caring hearts. All of the 27 accepted grantees were engaged, kind, curious, and gave it their all.

Inboxes were full for the past two weeks with mass mailers and marketing for the campaign. These organizations came out in full-force and it truly paid off! And last, but not least, the donors showed up ready to give, trusting that the catalog was an accurate representation of the current local needs in this community.

GiveOrcas is most successful when we all work together as a team. Committees, organizations, directors, boards, and donors came together to make this year a record-breaking success. The Orcas Island Community Foundation is filled with pride for all involved and is looking forward to seeing the grant funds put to work!

We will celebrate the success of these grantees this Thursday, May 19th from 4-6pm at Parish Hall. This is a community event. To protect the health of all involved, we ask you to come with a mask and dress for the weather, as most of the event will take place outdoors. We look forward to celebrating with you all!