Friday, November 7, Dinner @ 5:30, Concert @ 6:30, Random Howse

— from Mandy Troxel —

girls with ukesFriday, November 7 at the Random Howse: An evening of community, music education and homemade fun all rolled into one!

You’re invited to the debut performance of Orcas’ very own Girl’s Ukulele Choir, also known as “Girls with Ukes!” The group, co-lead by Anita Orne and Mandy Troxel, formed in September and includes girls from the public middle school, Christian School, Salmonberry and Spring Street schools.

The program will be an hour long, and include some vocal acrobatics, tidbits of history and drama via song introduction, and great tunes, including favorites made famous by Ukulele Ike and the Andrews Sisters.

The concert begins at 6:30pm, but come at 5:30 for dinner before the music begins. Random Howse will be offering their usual array of gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches as well as other specials and specialties. There is no cover charge, but donations to the tip jars will help cover choir costs.

Special thanks to the Random Howse for hosting the debut performance, and to Salmonberry School for generously allowing the use of their space for choir practice.