It’s that time again! June is Orca Action Month in the Pacific Northwest, and the Orca Salmon Alliance is looking forward to all kinds of activities throughout the region. Orca Action Month (a.k.a Orca Month) is an annual series of events intended to raise awareness about the threats facing critically endangered Southern Resident orcas, educate the public on what we can all do to protect them, and build a community to celebrate these magnificent beings. Events take place throughout Washington, Oregon, California, and British Columbia.
This year’s Orca Month theme is Threads of Life: Connecting Orcas, People and the Future We Share. Founded in 2006 by Orca Network, Orca Action Month is now hosted by the Orca Salmon Alliance (OSA), is open to everyone, and provides all of us a great opportunity to educate, learn, and connect with our local communities about the Southern Resident orcas and the threats that they face. Learning about orcas inspires and engages people to take action to help protect and recover these beautiful, intelligent beings and our shared Pacific Northwest home.
Whether you are a community restoration group, a science center, a nonprofit organization, or state agency, we hope you will participate in Orca Action Month this year. From beach clean ups to habitat restoration parties, film screenings, talks and presentations, art installations – there will be something for everyone!
- Do you have any events or activities that you would like to offer to the public during Orca Action Month?
- Would you like to be part of our collective effort to educate, inspire and engage people to support orca recovery during Orca Action Month?
Please fill out this simple Google Form. Someone from the Orca Action Month planning committee will be in touch with you shortly.
Thank you for your attention and interest in Orca Action Month. On behalf of the Orca Salmon Alliance.
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