Six Tuesdays, beginning September 20, from 1-3 at the Public Library

— from JoEllen Moldoff, Facilitator —

Ekphrastic Poetry…Plus: We’ll begin this session with ekphrastic poetry—poems inspired by other works of art—and try writing our own ekphrastic poems. Although this term might be unfamiliar to you, most likely you have read “Ode on A Grecian Urn” by John Keats in high school, and perhaps other poems in this genre.

Then we’ll focus on individual poets—reading and discussing poems in order to better appreciate the way a poem works. As in previous classes, poems and writing exercises will be offered to stimulate new writing.

All are welcome—from beginner to published poet!

Dates: September 20, 27 October 4, and other dates in October/November to be determined
Fee: $20 to cover copying costs and donation to the Library, to be collected at the first session. (There is no pre-registration.)

If you have any questions, please email: