By Sue Lewis

The Orcas Island Garden Club will meet on February 15 at 10:00 a.m. in the Madrona Room of Orcas Center.  The guest speaker will be Fiona Norris, Ph.D., Science Director of San Juan Nature Institute.  She  is a retired professor of botany and author of books on botany for children.  After working in South Africa, Hawaii and Texas, she and her husband took Master Gardener Training when they returned in semi-retirement to Friday Harbor.

Now they teach segments of the training and identify plants brought to the WSU diagnostic clinics.  Some plants make good companions, but others are very strange bedfellows.  Fiona will explore the ecological consequences of plant interactions in nature.

Following Fiona Norris’ segment of the meeting, Margaret Payne and Sally Hodson will provide a short presentation about the “Homestead Garden Tour” coming up in June. They have some very exciting information that should whet your appetite for getting involved.  The Homestead theme is unlike any we have done before and we can’t wait to show you how varied, beautiful and interesting it is.  This year’s tour will be a wonderfully fulfilling experience.

You are invited to join us on February 15 at Orcas Center for this fascinating discussion. Go to for further information.