— from Kim Middleton —

“Coming Around” painting by Kim Middleton

Did you know it takes two breaths for air to move through a bird’s body, or why some birds are born naked and helpless while others can eat and run the day they hatch, or that birds can see a broader spectrum of light than humans?

Fundamentals of Birding is a five-week class that teaches general anatomy, physiology and behavior of birds along with what to look for when identifying birds. Biologist/ artist Kim Middleton will explain how birds fly, their unique systems and behaviors, as well as how to tell sparrows from finches and dabbling ducks from sea ducks.

Choose one of two concurrent classes being held on either Thursdays 1 – 4 p.m. or Saturdays 1 – 4 p.m. starting September 28 or 30. A local field trip at the end of the 5-week class will help reinforce what is learned.

This information-packed class is $85 per person and is held at the Orcas Library. For more information or to sign up for the class, please contact Kim at 360-317-5605 or kim@kimmiddleton.com.