— by U.S.  Rep. Rick Larsen —

Building a strong economic future for the workers and families in our region and across the country requires good-paying jobs and a stable and secure work environment. That is why I am working to support job growth, higher wages and secure benefits for workers and families. Here is an update about some of my efforts to achieve these goals.

First, the best way I know to put people back to work is to invest in our transportation infrastructure. I support an increase in the gas tax and a National Infrastructure Bank to fund repairs and improvements to our roads, bridges, highways and transit systems, creating jobs and making sure businesses can get their goods to market. As a senior member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I will continue working hard to ensure we make needed investments in our transportation system.

Second, I support raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour and tying future increases to inflation. Washington state has a minimum wage that is the envy of many, but it is unacceptable that people working full-time in our country still live below the poverty line.

Third, workers need to be able to rely on the retirement benefits they have earned, which is why I stood up against cuts to retirees’ pensions recently by voting against a bill that slashed the pensions of a million hardworking middle-class Americans. I know some multiemployer pension plans are on rocky ground following the recession, but cutting hard-earned pensions goes against our values and does not create a sustainable way forward for these funds.

Finally, a strong economic foundation for our workers requires fair and secure workplaces. For this reason I support the role of the National Labor Relations Board to protect workers’ rights. I voted against a bill on March 19 that undercut the power of the NLRB to do its job, and I will continue to make sure the board stays strong and able to preserve fair and secure work environments.

These are a few of the ways I am working to invest in a strong foundation of economic growth and opportunity for families and workers in the Pacific Northwest. You can let me know what you think by contacting me on my website (www.larsen.house.gov), or leaving me a message on Facebook (www.facebook.com/RepRickLarsen) or Twitter (@RepRickLarsen).