Federal Dept. of Agriculture offers Renewable Energy and Efficiency Grant Proposals Workshops

From the San Juan County Economic Development Council

USDA Rural Development is sponsoring the first of a two-part Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency workshop in Port Angeles next week, Wednesday, Dec. 8.

The work­shops, which are FREE, will include information about the funding and technical assistance available to farms and small businesses through the USDA’s Renewable Energy for America Program (REAP). Eligibility requirements and sample project proposals will be discussed.

The 9007 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Improvements Program can provide guaranteed loans, grants for a combination loan and grant to eligible applicants for eligible projects and costs. Eligible projects for renewable energy systems include such things as

  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Biomass or
  • Geothermal systems.

Energy Efficiency projects, for example, can be such things as upgrading electrical motors, insulation, or heating, cooling and lighting upgrades.

Sessions will be held throughout the state. For the northwest region, Part I of the workshop will be held at Room 208 0f  the Lincoln Center in Port Angeles from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 8. The Lincoln Center is located at  905 W 9th Street.

These workshops will provide information for prospective applicants on the USDA Rural Development Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency program, including:

  • Eligible Loan/Grant Purpose
  • Financial Information
  • Application Tips
  • Eligible Applicants
  • Maximum Loan and Grant Amounts
  • Funding Availability

To register for a FREE workshop, please contact Laura Aymond at (360) 704-7736 or email her at laura.aymond@wa.usda.gov.

Part II will be follow-up grant writing workshops to be held by appointment for those interested in apply­ing for a REAP grant and/or guaranteed loan. USDA Rural Development staff will be providing one-on-one assistance. Participants for the follow-up session must have attended a prior USDA REAP informational meeting or previously applied for a USDA energy grant.

For additional information, please contact the specialist serving the Northwest:

Northwest Area
Sharon Exley
(360) 428-4322 x 159

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