Board and Volunteers sporting their new logo shirts, graciously donated by Susan and Erica Lyons and Patrick Downy. We love them!

— from Orcas Island Food Bank Board —

The day was beautiful, the setting was perfect and a good time was had by all. The Board and our wonderful volunteers wish to thank those who came to visit the Food Bank on Sunday the 24th, noshed great goodies provided by Brown Bear Baking and the Food Bank Board, saw our great facility and learned how we do what we do.

Our Food Bank was recognized recently by a WA State Department of Agriculture review of OIFB operations as one of the best food banks in our region—which makes us doubly proud of the community that supports us.

Former Long-Time Food Bank Board President and Vice President Larry and Joyce Shaw (left) with Manager Jeannie Doty and Volunteer Sandy Harper

Sixty-two percent of the food and funds we currently receive comes directly from you, the farms, individuals and businesses on Orcas Island.

Very often, we are asked what is most needed in the way of foods and other items by our clients. To address that, a list was recently compiled which you may access from our web site at “How to Help.”

Another way to give is to participate in the Amazon Smile program if you buy from Amazon.

Again, thanks for stopping by and for all you do to support us!

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**