— by David Turnoy–

From folk music to country, from jazz to rock and roll and blues, with a dash of poetry thrown in, Saturday night’s first open mic was a big success.

Approximately forty people showed up to enjoy the local talent of Orcas Island. The event was hosted by Gordon Koenig and Mandy Troxell, who not only announced the acts and performed the first song, they also accompanied several performers in need of backing instruments. The instrument of choice was the guitar, but there were also performances on ukulele, piano, baritone sax, and even several songs presented a capella.

Thirteen different acts performed, ranging in age from eleven to seniors. One performing duo of young ladies even traveled from Shaw. As always with performers on Orcas Island, I was impressed by the high caliber of these musicians and our poet.

Paula Capitano provided her famous cookies and punch, and a good time was had by all. It is hoped that this will be the first of many open mic evenings, and we hope to have more locals exhibit their talents in future such events.