Regular Meeting Agenda
San Juan County Fire Protection District #2
Monday – October 19th, 2020 5:30 p.m.
Online / by phone via ZOOM: Dial # (253) 215-8782 / Meeting ID: 830 6388 3216/ Passcode: 050248
Commissioners: Tim Fuller, Janet Marlow, Jim Helminski, Wesley Heinmiller, Rick Christmas; Chief Scott
Williams; District Secretary Kimberley Kimple, Orcas Island Fire and Rescue staff, and the community.

Call to Order / Welcome and Introduction
Additions or Modifications
Resolution 2020-05 Honoring Patrick Shepler Retirement

Public Comment
Minutes – September 17th
Financials – Approval of A/P and Payroll; September 2020 Financial Report – Chief Williams
Chief’s Report – September 2020 – Chief Williams

Committee Reports
Finance Committee – Commissioner Marlow and Commissioner Christmas
Strategic Planning Committee – Commissioner Christmas
Policy Committee – Commissioner Fuller and Commissioner Helminski
Paramedic Hiring Committee – Commissioner Marlow and Commissioner Helminski

Old Business
1. MIH Program Update – Patricia Ayers/Chief Williams
2. Emergency Communication System Update – Commissioner Christmas

New Business
1. 2021 Budget Hearing
2. Resolution 2020-06 Adoption of 2021 Budget
3. Resolution 2020-07 Levy Certification
4. Levy Certification for 2021

Executive Session
1. The Board will enter Executive Session in accordance with RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) to review the
performance of a public employee.

Adjournment and Announcements
The next regular public meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 16th at 5:30 p.m.