On May 7, WSDOT Ferries Division Assistant Secretary David Moseley’ commented on recent television news coverage regarding overtime pay expenses for ferry crews:

This week I was interviewed for a KING 5 news story on compensation of WSF Staff Chief Engineers who are responsible for keeping the engines operable on our vessels. The story aired Tuesday and focused on overtime pay practices that increased the pay of some of these employees.

We anticipate additional coverage on the costs to taxpayers associated with compensation practices for WSF employees. I recognize that these media reports have concerned WSF customers and the communities we serve, and I would like to reassure you that we are pursuing every possible avenue for reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of the ferry system.

My focus during the last two years was to reduce expenditures in administrative and support services. We made progress in this area by eliminating positions and cutting consultants; however, these costs account for just five percent of WSF’s budget.

The remaining costs to the system are comprised of fleet operations and fuel (80 percent), and vessel and terminal preservation (15 percent).  I will continue to focus on increasing efficiencies and reducing costs in all areas of the ferry system.