— A Review by Margie Doyle —

Christopher Evans and Cali Bagby (seated), drive Grace McCune and Robert Hall in "39 Steps" at Orcas Center's Black Box.

Christopher Evans and Cali Bagby (seated), drive Grace McCune and Robert Hall in “39 Steps” at Orcas Center’s Black Box.

There are no stars in “39 Steps,” just a mini-galaxy of one amazing talent after another as Robert Hall, Grace McCune, Christopher Evans and Cali Bagby portray at least 25 characters and run around the Black Box stage for the duration of the hilarious, mind-boggling adaptation of Alfred Hitchcok’s “39 Steps.”

Co-director Deborah Sparks (also Orcas Center’s Theatre Productions Director) portrays a self-satisfied villain in a this romp that weaves a complex plot, mocking every film noir stereotype possible — the world-weary adventurer, the nosy landlady, the demure wife, the laconic Scots, the languidly sexy hostess, the beyond-quirky circus performer, the supercilious spy.

Everything is funny, from the floppy rubber knife in a victim’s back to the byzantine choreography of gate-crossing to Cali Bagby’s hilarious postures and facial contortions, to Christopher Evans’ female impersonations — in paisley high-heels or woolen scarf —  to Grace McCune’s breathy fake-innocence and tell-all expressions and Robert Hall’s double takes, eyebrow elevations and pompous proclamations.

The audience laughed, giggled, cackled and guffawed throughout — thanks in great part to the split-second coordination of the sound effects produced by Jim Shaffer-Bauck and Jake Perrine. The play took hilarious advantage of every element of its minimalist set — from window frames, doorways, lounging chair, steering wheel — and hats! Andrea Cohen’s artistic wizardry is employed as the “hero” was chased down by a plane, much like the Jimmy Stewart character in Hitchcock’s “North by Northwest” and as the hero fled from mountain top to mountain top, with the police in hot pursuit.

What's happening to Mr. Memory (Cali Bagby)?  Discover the secret of the "39 Steps"

What’s happening to Mr. Memory (Cali Bagby)? Discover the secret of the “39 Steps”

Delivering the farcical intricacy of this plot is due to the dedication of those islanders who labor — yes “work” — in the arts. Some are our acting veterans, some are youngsters like Stage Manager Adia Dolan and Lighting Operator Ray Doss, and some are the off-stage contributors in props and costumes (Meg Massey, Diane Skaar and Andrea Cohen) — and then there is the whole administrative staff of the Center — Artistic/Executive Director Kara O’Toole and Box Office/Front of House Manager Artha Kass stand out.

They are to be saluted and sold-out performances are to be expected for the run of “39 Steps.” Co-director Robert Hall thanks his colleagues as “a force of nature and great fun” but you know there are hours and hours of line memorization, “blocking” or coordinating actors’ movements, costume production, sound and light synchronization, scheduling, not to mention super-clever direction and fearless, out-there performances.

“39 Steps plays this weekend and the next, Feb. 14-15 and Feb. 20-22. Tickets are $15 for adults, $11 for students ($2 off for Orcas Center Members) and may be purchased at www.orcascenter.org or by calling 376-2281 ext. 1 or visiting the Orcas Center Box Office open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from noon- 4 pm.

Treat yourself, and anyone else that you’d like to treat, from your true love to a new friend, to the beyond-description delight of watching local genius — on stage and behind the scenes — of Orcas Center’s “39 Steps.”

No excuses — Go!