— from Martha Farish —

This Saturday, May 28, the Farmer’s Market (opens at 10am) shares the Village Green with the annual Kaleidoscope Pet Parade (starts at 11am). If lack of parking was your issue for deciding not to attend the market and this charming parade, fear not, help is at hand.

Market vendors and private property owners are collaborating this Saturday in an experiment where all market vendor’s cars will be parked on private property and not on the streets in town. In addition, the Seaview Theatre lot will be signed, “Local Parking Only while shopping at the Farmers Market from 10am-2pm.” (One more local parking tip, if the Seaview is full, try behind the Post Office).

Please come out and enjoy two charming Orcas Island opportunities to see your friends and neighbors–and buy some produce! If we want to have a Farmer’s Market, farmers have to sell produce. If we want a bookstore we must buy books and if we want a movie house, well, we pretty much have to go see a movie. Come celebrate and help maintain what is fun about being us!