— from Reve Shannon, Fair Production, San Juan County Fair —

The County Fair is coming soon — August 13-16 — and now is the time to set your sites to get the most out of your experience. For many, that may be purchasing a season ticket and enjoying the fun everyday. For others, participation is the name of the game.

There are many ways to be involved and contribute to making this a great Fair. One of the most important is to volunteer to help out in one of the 27 Fair Exhibit Departments. This is the front line of volunteering and comes with multitudes of appreciation. This isn’t a solo act as every department needs help throughout the Fair. There are opportunities to work during exhibitor entry day, take a shift or more during the Fair or be there on exhibit pick-up day. Whatever you choose this is a great way to be an integral part of the Fair.

Give the Fair a call at 378-4310 and let them know you want to get involved or fill out an on-line application at sjcfair.org/getinvolved!

New this year is a special opportunity for county residents to participate as vendors for a single day. Bring your art, craft or other unique items and set up a booth. The Fair provides the space, a canopy, a table and chair for anyone who wants to participate as a Vendor-for-a-Day. Contact the Fair office for details and an application. Call 378-4310 or email info@sjcfair.org

Of course, the mainstay of any county fair is participating as an exhibitor in one of the many open class or 4-H departments. Exhibiting is for everyone. From vegetables to wood working, junior arts to baking a pie — being an exhibitor is always a way to be involved in the excitement. As a bonus, this year youth exhibitors, ages 5 – 16, get a free pass to the Fair. Check out all the opportunities at https://www.sjcfair.org/p/-2014-fair/214

There is still room on the schedule for local performers too. Anyone interested in bringing their particular talent to the Fair is always welcome. Performers can fill out an on-line application at

The Fair is the only annual county-wide event that brings us all together. It’s a place where we can go and meet our neighbors, showcase our talents, see new and interesting things and have a lot of fun doing it. Actively participating is rewarding and brings a true sense of accomplishment to that mix.

What could be better than that? See you at the Fair!

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