Updated Dec. 31 at 9:30 a.m.

San Juan County’s revolving loan program for the proper repair of failing on-site septic systems has received $300,000 in the final intended use plan from the state water pollution fund. This time the fund was augmented by funds appropriated by Congress under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The septic repair program has been in effect since 1995. Applicants for the county funds are reviewed by the county auditor’s office, and repayment of the loans is made to the state fund.  Awards granted will cover the five years from September 9, 2009 to Sept. 9, 2014. The allocation was announced December 17, 2009.

The Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund report states:

This project involves the provision of revolving loan funds to property owners in San Juan County for the proper repair of failing on-site septic systems. Eligible recipients will be identified through marketing and through education of on-site septic system contractors and system owners (homeowner on-site septic maintenance classes).

To apply for the funds, call the County Health Department at 378-4474 to have the two-page application mailed or faxed.Questions may be addressed to the County Sanitarian, Gary Covington, at 378-4474.

Homeowner’s on-site septic system maintenance classes are scheduled in San Juan County monthly this spring. The Orcas class in January is closed, but slots are available on Feb. 24, March 17, April 21, May 19 and June 16. To register, call 378-4474 or email williamp@sanjuanco.com. To learn more about installing and maintaining septic systems, go to www.sanjuanco.com/health/ehswaste.aspx.