— from Pete Moe —

The Exchange/ORS is excited to announce the launch of an all-new, totally revamped Website at www.exchangeorcas.org.

The new site, designed by Darin Leong at Blooming Mind Media and Erika Ekram at Odelae Design, not only provides basic info like hours of operation, location, pricing—it provides all kinds of great information about our community waste stream.

The site goes into detail about what is and what is not recyclable, ideas for reducing your household waste stream, articles about where our island’s trash goes, and much more.

In the NEWS section, readers can find out the latest solid waste management news effecting Orcas, and get the latest on the rebuilding of The Exchange re-use center.

The KNOWLEDGE department features information about where Orcas trash and recycling ends
up, the importance of recycling batteries (and how to do it), and more.

The INSPIRATON category highlights great ideas, people and organizations who, like all of us at The Exchange, believe in the goal of Zero Waste.

Find out about the types of waste The Exchange can (and cannot) take in; from hazardous waste to compostables. You can read about the history of the Exchange, find out how to volunteer to help us rebuild, and donate online to the rebuilding fund.

You can also contact us if you have specific questions, and sign up for our electronic newsletter.

The new site, combined with our popular Facebook page, will provide an informative, interactive multimedia platform for the Orcas community to continue the conversation about waste and how to best manage it.