By Pete Moe, Orcas Recycling Service (ORS) Chair

Exchange Visit

Architect David Kau, board member Michael Greenberg and sculptor/landscape designer Chuck Greening study the site map to determine the best approach to this ambitious rebuilding project. Looking on are Fred Klein and Harvey Rossiter. Photo courtesy of Diane Baxter.

In a design effort orchestrated by local architect Fred Klein, more than 20 community members have been meeting to discuss the future of The Exchange. Members recently met at the site to get a better idea of what lies ahead.

It’s no small task: community satisfaction, County and state regulations, environmental concerns and of course costs must be considered.

Consideration is being given to the overall layout and traffic flow of the site, efficiency and the structure(s) that will best fill the re-use needs of the island in the near and long-term.

Many community members have offered building materials and labor that they would be willing to share; the Exchange board is carefully cataloging these offers, and encourages anyone who is interested in participating in this way contact them.

“We are indebted to Fred, David, Chuck and everyone else who came to the design meetings,” said Exchange board president Pete Moe. “Their energy, enthusiasm and great ideas have been a shot in the arm for us. We can’t wait to see what they come up with, and we look forward to working with them in the months ahead.”

Orcas Recycling Services, the official name of The Exchange, is in the final stages of contract negotiations with San Juan County for the management of the entire Orcas Island Transfer Station. They expect to take over management of all garbage, recycling and re-use functions from the County in early August.