— from Fred Klein —

Republished Sept. 5 upon request

It’s not hard to find stories in the media describing how drinking water is becoming increasingly precious and strategically important in many parts of the globe… fortunately at our local level, we are blessed with adequate water resources if we use them wisely.

Yes…we live on an island surrounded by the Salish Sea, and yes, here in Eastsound, we enjoy the benefits of a highly respected water system in the form of our member-owned association…but unlike “the best things in life,” our water is not “free” and the Board of the Eastsound Water Users Association (EWUA) strives to ensure that the costs of operating and maintaining our system is shared equitably among the members, as well to ensure that our system has the capacity to serve the community as it grows and prospers.

In pursuit of these goals, the EWUA Board recently passed a new, tiered rate structure in an effort to incentivize high volume users to increase the level of their memberships so that they were commensurate with their water usage.

Those affected by the new rate structure have raised some concerns and, in response, the EWUA Board has voluntarily rescinded the new rate structure and now, with this invitation, is reaching out to the membership at large to elicit and discuss recommendations to answer the question:

“How should the costs of operating and maintaining our local water system be shared equitably and fairly among the membership?”

This is an open invitation from the Board to all members of the EWUA…all members wishing to participate are asked to PRE-REGISTER and commit to attending ALL THREE meetings to be held at the Eastsound Fire Hall on the following dates:


  • Tuesday evening, Sept. 20th, 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm
  • Thursday evening, Sept. 22nd, 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm
  • Tuesday evening Sept. 27th, 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm

The recommendations which come out of these meetings MAY affect your future water bills! The success of these meetings will depend on attendance by a representative cross section of the membership so the EWUA Board is urging all members to consider participation…even if your only concern is that water comes out of the faucet whenever you open it.

Although the Board always attempts to act in the best interests of the membership, our different classes of members (residential, commercial, and single meter, multi-unit) sometimes have different priorities, so the more members in attendance and the more variety in the input which the Board receives, the better the basis will be for the Board to make sound decisions as it grapples with how costs can be shared most equitably among the members of the association.

To begin the registration process please email ewua@rockisland.com or, call 376- 2127….or stop by the EWUA office at the corner of Lover’s Lane and Enchanted Forest Road. You will be asked to agree to review and familiarize yourself with some baseline information, agree to abide by certain ground rules of conduct, and agree to come to all three meetings.

Please consider participating…there’s a high probability that this will be worth your time.

This proposal is an initiative of the Board of the Eastsound Water Users’ Association, a member owned association. If you have questions, please direct them to the EWUA Board through General Manager Paul Kamin. (pkamin@rockisland.com)