San Juan County Health & Community Services and community partners distributed several thousand EverlyWell COVID-19 Home test kits over the last week.  Some of these test kits had an expiration date of December 21, 2021.  We were informed that the expiration dates for these test kits have been extended for one year beyond the printed expiration date on the box.  You may now use the test kit anytime for up to one year after the expiration date printed on the box.  

There is no official word on extension of expiration dates for the kits expiring in 2022 yet.    

All the kits we had available for this effort have been handed out.  If you weren’t able to get your hands on one during the giveaway last week try obtaining home test kits online from regional pharmacies. We are also working to obtain additional test kits to distribute to the public and will announce more details when available.

At home testing kits are a great tool to use prior to gathering with others outside your household, testing yourself if you have symptoms, or after you had an exposure to someone who is ill.