— from Leif —

For Ray & Kathy, Lucy’s humans.


A polite “woof”
…..at the back door
-Don’t forget me
…..[we never will]
-I’m ready now
…..[we’ll let you go]
you’ll never know..
how your doggy
and your doggy
somehow two ends
of the self-same thing
..We let you in
…..and we let you go
and in between..

How the you
…..of you
became the me
…..of me
the us and we
…..of all we be
and just so . .
returning now
…..to earth and sea
a song not-sung
​…..a song of sun
and earth, and air
…..of doggy wags
…..and doggy grins
Of silly things
…..we can’t un-sing
​…..your .. that, and this ..
that binds us all to All
…..that Is.