— by Lin McNulty —

The Eastsound Planning Review Committee met for a three-hour session on Thursday, January 5, in the Eastsound Fire Station public meeting room for updates to a number of projects in the works, or upcoming.

Following is a quick breakdown of their discussions:

Jim Jonassen on Eastsound Visioning Project

Results of a public survey of an Eastsound visioning “want list” are available for review at the Library.

Fred Klein is convening a processing group this week. The group of approximately 40 will search for consensus in ideas and visions for the future of the Village. A report will follow.

Rick Hughes on Ongoing Projects

Among projects currently in the works and/or on the drawing board and/or in the talking stages, Rick Hughes outlined the following to the Committee:

  1. A plan to bring Wifi to the Village Green
  2. Verizon is looking to install a cell tower in Olga. There will be public meetings prior to any decision.
  3. Lopez Island is looking to pass a Hospital District.
  4. Negotiations and talks continue with the ferry system and mainland public transportation services to coordinate arrival and departure times for trains and bus service.

Colin Huntamer on County Projects

  1. The Orcas Landing Park ‘n Ride project should be completed in June or July of 2017. This will eliminate the need for parking on Orcas Road.
  2. A consultant will be developing a light plan for Eastsound.
  3. Design work for Prune Alley is to be completed in 2017, with work to begin in 2018.
  4. A traffic re-design for Madrona Point is in the discussion stages to funnel vehicles through the area in a one-way direction.

Eric Webb on Phase III School Construction and Upcoming Levy

Orcas Island School District will be hosting several Walk & Talk tours of the schools in preparation for the levy on the ballot in February for Phase III construction. The Phase III projects include:

  1. High School HVAC ($1,612,204)
  2. High School Water Improvements ($964,053)
  3. Door Openers ($100,000) and Road Improvements ($127,000)
  4. Old Gym ($1,428,108)
  5. Interior Finishes to Milton Building ($500,000) and the High School ($500,000)
  6. Waldron School Interior Refinishes ($47,600)
  7. Track and Field ($1,360,000)
  8. Music/Multi-Purpose Room ($1,358,637)