
Here’s a thought…

“The competition between Nature and the economy is deep and broad.
In the short term, the economy usually wins. In the long term …?”



Land Bank Commission will meet on Friday

September 18th, 2024|

||| FROM SJC CONSERVATION LAND BANK COMMISSION ||| The San Juan County Conservation Land Bank Commission will hold a regular monthly meeting on September 20, 2024 from 8:30am – 11:15am via Zoom.  The meeting will also be available

SJC tourism at a crossroads? (Part 1)

September 11th, 2024|

||| BY MATTHEW GILBERT, theORCASONIAN OP-ED REPORTER ||| The San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau (SJIVB) contract is up for renewal at the end of this calendar year, and discussion has centered around the question of

Master Gardener clinic

September 9th, 2024|

||| FROM DIANNE MACONDRAY for SJC MASTER GARDENERS ||| The Master Gardeners of San Juan County will be providing science based answers to your gardening questions again this Wednesday, September 11th from noon to 2:00

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