
Here’s a thought…

“The competition between Nature and the economy is deep and broad.
In the short term, the economy usually wins. In the long term …?”



County sends Prune Alley project out for bids today

September 1st, 2021|

Construction start date  Spring 2022 ||| FROM JESSE DOUGLAS-SEITZ FOR SAN JUAN COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ||| The project includes pedestrian and accessibility improvements, transportation infrastructure, storm drain infrastructure, water quality improvements, landscaping, lighting, and consideration

What’s the deal with Orca and peanut head?

August 29th, 2021|

Peanut head: What is it, when does it happen, and what are the causes? CONTENT WARNING: Contains photographs of severely emaciated killer whales. Several weeks ago, K21, the oldest male killer whale (orca) in the

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