
Here’s a thought…

“The competition between Nature and the economy is deep and broad.
In the short term, the economy usually wins. In the long term …?”



Monthly bird walk

March 30th, 2024|

||| FROM KRISTEN ARNIM for SJI SCULPTURE PARK ||| Join us at the San Juan Islands Sculpture Park on Wednesday, April 3 from 8-10am for the first of the 2024 monthly bird walks with avid

Help KWIAHT protect island wildlife

March 29th, 2024|

||| FROM RUSSEL BARSH for KWIAHT ||| Dead birds, small mammals and reptiles can tell us a lot about the spread of wildlife diseases and parasites such as ticks, and help us protect people, too.

Earth Day workshops

March 27th, 2024|

||| FROM PARKER PAVITT for SAN JUAN ISLANDS MAKERS GUILD ||| Orcas loves a parade and we are excited to host Earth Day Celebrations April 19-20 in Eastsound. The Procession of the Species parade on Earth

‘Baby Saturdays’ are back at Lum Farm

March 27th, 2024|

||| FROM MANDI TROXEL for LUM FARM ||| Lum Farm at Coffelt Farm Preserve invites you to celebrate Spring with our newest crop of babies! A much-adored and adorable yearly tradition, “Baby Saturdays” will be

Oyster Talk

March 18th, 2024|

When the tide is out, the table is set ||| FROM SAM GAILEY for ORCAS ISLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY ||| Get to know the Pacific Northwest’s most beloved bivalve: the oyster. In this talk, author David

Orcas Recycling wins approval for rate adjustment

March 14th, 2024|

||| FROM PETE MOE for ORCAS RECYCLING SERVICES ||| Orcas Recycling Services (ORS), Orcas Island’s non-profit waste management company, has received approval for adjustments to its trash and recycling tipping fees which will establish its

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