Identify & kick all excuses to the curb so you can finish your book


Orcas Island Library Endurance Speaker Series – Episode #3: Reasons, Justifications and Downright Excuses for Not Finishing My Book w/Rosie Kuhn at the library.

Although so many brilliant writers are inspired to bring their work to the world, few will actually fulfill their heart’s desire to write a book.  Everyone I know who hasn’t finished or even started their book has dozens of excuses, reasons, and justifications. Something always gets in the way!

Come learn how to clarify your obstacles, aka justifications, reasons and excuses, so you can consciously choose to either move ahead with your commitment to write, or continue to embrace your justifications, reasons and excuses.

I bet you will discover things about yourself that may just help kick those excuses to the curb! This conversation will be playful, inspiring, and potentially empower you to finish your book.

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