The Global Warming Dragon

The Global Warming Dragon

Sunday, March 24 at 2 p.m. at the Senior Center

“How You can Slay the Global Warming Dragon (and why you should want to)” is a free presentation sponsored by Negawatt Media and Island Stewards. The illustrated talk will be given by Joe Symons at the Orcas Island Senior Center at 2 p.m. on Sunday March 24. It will discuss America’s energy use and the carbon dioxide challenge it creates.

Explore the gap between the needed solutions and the progress to date, the predicted global consequences of this gap, and what this means for the world’s children and grandchildren.

Learn how you can participate in altering the course of this Titanic. You are not just a passenger on this ship -—-you are one of its captains.

Please come and lend your head, heart, and actions to meeting this challenge with resolve and grace.