– from Emmanuel Episcopal Parish —

Emmanuel Parish Labyrinth and Church, photo courtesy of Cheryl Danskin

Emmanuel Parish Labyrinth and Church, photo courtesy of Cheryl Danskin

Please join us at Emmanuel Parish for services during Holy Week.

The Maundy Thursday service on April 2 will begin in the Parish Hall at 5:30 pm with a light meal (potluck: bring flat breads, olives, hummus, salads, vegetables). The service will be held in the church at 6 pm.

Good Friday will begin with confession in the church from 12 to 1 pm. The church will remain open for silent prayer until 5 pm. The Stations of the Cross and the Good Friday service begins at 5:30 pm in the church. This is an opportunity to bring kid-friendly food items for the Food Bank.

On Holy Saturday, the church will be open from 6 pm to 11 pm for silent prayer.

Easter services on April 5 begin at 6 am with the Sunrise Service in the Parish Hall, followed by breakfast. At 10 am the traditional Easter Day service will held, followed by the egg hunt and coffee hour.

All are welcome to participate in our services. Please call the church office at 376-2352 for more information.