By Margie Doyle

1)  Orcas Islanders will continue their support of  recycling resources by working with Orcas Recycling Services/The Exchange and local businesses to reduce waste and make a long-term disposal/recycle facilitywith compost building, metals and construction recycling, and trucking-disposal being transferred to resource-hauling.

2)  OrcasNOCOALition, joined with other local entities, will prevail in the decision to maintain Salish Sea health by prohibiting expansion of the Cherry Point rail and shipping terminal. Their efforts will motivate other west coast ports.

3)  The County Council, unconstrained by dictates to develop a Growth Management Act or Critical Areas Ordinance Update, will form a strong partnership with a new County Manager to make government work well AFTER the 3-member Council Elections and the selection of a new manager.

4)  A  new County Manager will come forward from San Juan, Skagit, Islands or Whatcom County.

5)  The County Council will consider their paramount duty to keep the budget policies developed in recent years continuing.

6)  Lawyers and judges will argue ad infinatum the suits filed in the aftermath of the CAO and Charter Proposition decisions; no decision will come forward in 2013.

7)  The Orcas Island economy will benefit from the 2012 school bond and tech levy passage with jobs and contracts.

8)  The Orcas Island School Board will continue to make powerful statements in support of public education to legislators in Olympia, as representatives from a non-urban, remote school district.

9) The second Annual Shakespeare Festival in March will build on the success of the initial Festival to benefit island business, dining, entertainment and lodging establishments during the shoulder season.

10) Island farm production will become more profitable and sustainable through the continual efforts, success and acknowledgment of the Farmers Market, the Farm to Cafeteria Committee, and the FEAST (Farming Education and Sustainability for Teens) program.

11) Boomers interested in maintaining their health, involvement and athleticism will turn from personal achievements towards volunteering to lead programs administered and overseen by the Orcas Park and Recreation District.

12) Winter storms will close the road between town and the tank corner; repair of the road will become an emergency budget item.

13) The popularity of running on the island will lead to opening more trails and a new slogan: “Orcas — the island that runs!”