— by Margie Doyle —

Following a failed hearing through teleconferencing, the Planning Commission decided to continue the Aug. 15 hearing on the Eastsound Sub-area Plan to a future date. At that time, public testimony will be taken, and the meeting will take place on Orcas Island.

Phone-in participants to the August 15 hearing in Friday Harbor, including Leith Templin, Errol Speed, and Orcas Issues’ editor Margie Doyle, were unable to hear Community Development and Planning Senior Staffer Colin Maycock, the Planning Commissioners, or the public testimony of Clyde Duke and John Campbell, among others, for the first hour of the hearing. The comments of those on phone lines apparently could be heard by the Planning Commission over the phone, but the Commissioners responses and discussion were inaudible.

A transcript of the hearing will be available on the County website, participants were told, and a continuance of the hearing concerning the Eastsound Sub-area Plan update will be scheduled for November.