Thursday, Sept. 10 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

The monthly meeting of the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) will conduct a Final Review of the Eastsound Subarea Plan, as presented by Senior Planner Colin Maycock of the San Juan County Department of Community Development
• Goal: To prepare comments for County Council

o Review Planning Commission’s recommended changes and minutes
o Review staff reports and other DCD materials
o Other comments for County Council

It will also consider the following Eastsound projects for review:
1. Tusco / NW Connoisseurs Greenhouse Facility
2. SJC Land Bank Dog Park

Future Main Topics for the EPRC are
1. Library Expansion
2. OPAL and Housing Subcommittee
The group will consider whether to plan for two topics at its October meeting, or for a Town Hall meeting.

Councilman Rick Hughes will give a County Council update.

Public Comment periods will be held at the beginning and the end of the meeting.
EPRC members are Greg Ayers (co-chair), Clyde Duke (co-chair), Martha Fuller, Ken Katz, Fred Klein, Bob Maynard and Jobin Suthergreen.

(For more information, go to and click on the links on the left-hand sidebar.)