Thursday, March 2, 3 – 5 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

At its regularly scheduled monthly meeting, following the Approval of Minutes (for February 2017- and public comments, the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) will consider:

1. SJCDPW update – Colin Huntemer; (30 minutes)
 Prune Alley Update
 Madrona Point – traffic flow and parking impacts
 North Beach Road – Transitions of design and crosswalks at Lovers Lane —  Work needed to get a grant for intersection and trails

2. Visioning Statement Update – Fred Klein and Kelly Rose (20 Minutes)
 Status
 Timeline and Milestones to Draft
 Public Comment Process

New Business:
1. County Comprehensive Plan Update– Erika Shook (30 minutes)
 County-wide Process and Timelines
 County Comprehensive Plan vs. Eastsound Subarea Plan
 Planning Process for Updating the Eastsound Subarea Plan
 Structuring Goals and Policies

Old Business:
1. EPRC Visioning Subcommittee Update – Jeff Otis (10 minutes)
 Recruitment Status
 Process Overview
 Schedule

Projects for Review:
1. Starr Farish – Outlook Inn Shoreline Units–

Public Access/Comment #2