Want to be part of something big? Looking for ways to help the planet? Thinking globally but wanting to act locally? Good news: The county has an online climate action survey you can take right now.

Take the survey HERE.

County climate survey backgroundclimate survey link

This survey helps the county shape its Climate Action Plan (CAP), which will provide a long-term vision, climate policies, and an implementation strategy for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and preparing our community for current and future climate impacts.

Though the county is gifted with generally mild and agreeable weather, we know that we will experience accelerating climate extremes—heat domes, drought, wildfire, reduced groundwater recharge, water shortages, extreme rain, flooding, sea level rise, shoreline erosion, reduced farmland production, property loss, increased insurance rates, climate migration from the southwest, and much more.

Ready, set, go!

The survey is your chance to influence how we prepare, adapt, and increase local climate resilience. This is a fundamental climate action we take together. An engaged community = focused climate action.

For example:

  • There is much that we could do, but what should we do? Substantial grants are available to help, but which ones should we apply for? With limited resources, how do we get the most bang for the buck?
  • The most significant source of county GHG emissions is transportation. Many communities are doing things to clean up transportation—clean public transportation, bike paths, on-demand micro-transit, electric ferries, and public EV charging infrastructure—but what’s the best mix for our 20-island community?
  • Reversing a century of pollution in a few short years is no small task. There are no perfect solutions, and business as usual is not an option. How do we reduce our climate impact while preparing for the inevitable climate disasters?

Your voice informs the larger community

Adding your voice to the survey helps ensure a broadly representative sample of county public opinion. Beyond county government, this survey will help inform the thinking and actions of community partners—nonprofits, family resource centers, food banks, first responders, ports, utilities, hospitals, businesses, and Washington climate action partners.

The survey ends this weekend. Take the survey HERE. After that, forward this to a friend and ask them to add their voice to the mix.

Earthrise: A Climate Action Journal

This climate action journal offers information and actions we can take together, locally and globally, as we care for this precious Earth.

The best way to heal a living system, is to connect it with more parts of itself.” ~ Margaret Wheatley

If you like what you read here, pass it forward to a few friends and ask them to do the same. Like a pebble tossed in a pond, the rings emanate outward, reflecting and growing exponentially. “Going exponential” is what it will take to reverse the climate extremes that are accelerating around us.

Thank you…

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+ Previous Earthrise posts:
• First Light • Robert Dash – photographer, educator, environmentalist • Extreme RainA Poem for the Snow Leopard •
How the Chinese spy balloon can inspire climate action • Tidal energy in the Salish Sea •
• The biggest source of county greenhouse gas pollutionThe future of clean transportation in island communities •
• Healing Nature


County Community Survey Announcement

County Climate Resilience Planning and Action

Orcasonian: County launches climate resilience planning with community survey

Washington Climate Action Plans