By Rick Boucher
A new group, Eagle Forum of San Juan County, Wash., has formed on Orcas Island to enable conservative and pro-family Islanders of all ages to participate in the processes of self-government and making public policy.

Eagle Forum’s goals include helping America continue to be a land of individual liberty, respecting and protecting family integrity, public and private virtue, private enterprise, and limited, accountable Government. To this end Eagle Forum will hold classes, regular meetings and engage speakers. Eagle Forum believes “The fundamental doctrine in the Declaration of Independence is that we owe our existence to a Creator who has endowed each of us with unalienable rights, and the United States Constitution is the instrument securing those God-given rights to each of us.”

Founding board members include: JB McGuire, Rick Boucher, Dick Doty, Cindy Carter, Marczeus Kallistratus and Ralph Gutschmidt. Other founding members include Tony Ghazel, Velma Doty, Marilyn McGuire, April Duke and Tom and Karin Ritter. By all means inquire with them if you have questions.

Our first membership meeting is June 3rd at the American Legion at 5:30 pm.  Invited speakers are Trent England, Director of Constitutional Studies at the Freedom Foundation; WA State Attorney General Rob McKenna, and Cindy Honcoop, director of the Washington State Eagle Forum.  We hope to provide information about our nation and we hope that many people would like to join us.  Contact Tom or Karen Ritter  (360-201-2231 ) from the Membership Committee to join Eagle Forum of SJC.

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