— from Jennifer Brennock —

Drop Out will hold a workshop for writers every Wednesday in August, 4-6 pm with a potluck salon to follow into the evening. There will be a specific craft topic each session, examples from contemporary lit, a prompted freewrite, discussion, sharing, and facilitated feedback. Each session is $20 for the two hours. (There is a pay-what-you-can option by request.) All genres, levels of experience, and dabblers are welcome. RSVP and questions to dropoutonorcas@gmail.com or 317-8464. The address is 5546 Olga Road in Olga. From Eastsound, it is three right-hand driveways after the one-lane bridge.

About the facilitator: Jennifer Brennock, “JB,” writes in all genres. She is an experienced workshop facilitator and writing instructor, earned a MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College, and promises to be as enthusiastic about your work as she was about getting her drivers license at age 16. She believes writing is the cure for anything.