“the virtual vineyard” Thanksgiving favorites by Orcas Senior Center and Doe Bay Wine
Sunday, November 21, 5 p.m. by Zoom


Join Cole Sisson at “the virtual vineyard,” on Sunday, November 21 at 5pm by Zoom as he guides us through tasting three of his favorite Thanksgiving wines: Scharffenerberger Cellars Brut (sparkling), 2020 Château de Costis Bordeaux Blanc (white), and 2020 Notre Dame des Paillières Côtes du Rhône (red blend).

Whether a seasoned wine drinker or someone unfamiliar with what notes you are tasting, all are welcome to have a fun time drinking wine at home with friends online.

To participate, register via Zoom at orcasseniors.org/calendar-of-events/. Then make your way over to Doe Bay Wine Company at 109 North Beach Road (Thursday-Monday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.), mention “the virtual vineyard,” and purchase your wine, cheese, and crackers. (1 bottle wine, cheese, crackers: $30; 2 bottles wine, cheese, crackers: $60; 3 bottles wine, cheese, crackers: $90)